Hank Hank Hank Hank Hank Hank Hank Hank Hank!!!!!!
I always knew Hank had it in him to be great!!!!!!!!!! but if I may make a few sugestions: I would like to see A-bot and M-bot added to the list of byeable characters, and I would like to see Strawberryclock as a playable villan. I also want to see a character of my own design put in; The King of the Portal. be is baisicly the immage of the immortal from the level 59 picture design. he blasts a large beam of energy for his long range atack, and his short range atack is to use, at random, one of the weapons from the previous level images. darnel should be added to the heros, and there should be a level in which he, pico, and nene team up in a new area called "the graveyard" to fight a new noplayable opponent, kind of like the henchmen from hanks storry line, called blamed flashes. there should also be a level in the pico story line in which he must fight the uberkids in newgrounds city. and if at all possible, can you make a multiple areas in survival mode, like one in a place called "the portal" where you play as P-bot and fight off the "blamed flashes" I mentioned earlier. and with an area called "the portal" you could add another level to hanks story line showing how he got through the portal and back to nevada. thank you for your time, if I get any new ideas, I'll PM them to you.